
Foundation Stone
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Foundation Stone
c/o SRI | 135 Rockaway Turnpike Suite 101
Lawrence NY 11559

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Beit She'arim: Hometown of R' Yehudah HaNasi

A Fresh View...

Torah & Archaeology

We bring the Torah and the archaeology into the classroom, synagogue, and community in a way that allows the individual to touch history and to internalize the deep roots of the Children of Israel in the Land of Israel.


Schedule a TOARCH program.

...on your side of the pond.

The pandemic will end. And when it does, the TOARCH program is ready to meet you on your terms. We'll help to custom tailor a program for your synagogue, school, or community center. The programs are a regular feature in November before Thanksgiving, but we have programs both large and small that function year round. And now, we offer TOARCH Online as well. Give us a call at +972-52 868-2510 (or via WhatsApp) and we'll be happy to discuss the full array of options that make sense - for you.


September 2022 phrase.

10 days of Programming phrase.

  • Schools

    We will be visiting elementary, high-school, yeshiva and community schools during our time in Chicago. We have programs for students at all levels, and in-service training for educators. If you're interested in hosting a program, please call us at 213 973-6798 or email us at: toarch21@foundationstone.org

  • Synagogues

    On Shabbat the 13 of November, we will be providing our unique scholars-in-residence programs for synagogues in West Rogers Park and Skokie. If your synagogue is interested in hosting a program, please call us at 213 973-6798 or email us at: toarch21@foundationstone.org

  • Community

    For the Jewish people, opening up new vistas for learning is a lifetime avocation. We have community programs and lectures that run the gamut of Jewish life - from the unaffiliated to religiously committed. If your community is interested in a speaker, lecture, or presentation, please contact us at: 213 973-6798 or email us at: toarch21@foundationstone.org

Online Programs phrase.

NOVEMBER 8-17, 2021*

* Program is currently under development. All dates are still subject to change.